« تويوتا لاندكروز 2022 الجديدة بالكامل – عودة الملكة بحلتها الأجدد وقوتها الهائلة


ProEXR File Description

cameraAperture (float): 35.9999
cameraFNumber (float): 8
cameraFarClip (float): 1e+030
cameraFarRange (float): 1e+018
cameraFocalLength (float): 65
cameraFov (float): 30.9573
cameraNearClip (float): 0
cameraNearRange (float): 0
cameraProjection (int): 0
cameraTargetDistance (float): 1e+018
cameraTransform (m44f): [{0.555498, 0.831206, 0.0227621, 879.826}, {0.831512, -0.555181, -0.0190228, -546.146}, {-0.00317483, 0.0294941, -0.99956, 108.658}, {0, 0, 0, 1}]
channels (chlist)
compression (compression): Zip
dataWindow (box2i): [0, 0, 1164, 698]
displayWindow (box2i): [0, 0, 1164, 698]
lineOrder (lineOrder): Increasing Y
pixelAspectRatio (float): 1
screenWindowCenter (v2f): [0, 0]
screenWindowWidth (float): 1
type (string): “scanlineimage”
vrayInfo/camera (string): “camera_rear_Re”
vrayInfo/computername (string): “e04nw1007”
vrayInfo/cpu (string): “INTEL/P2(M5)”
vrayInfo/date (string): “2021/Apr/28”
vrayInfo/filename (string): “X:/LXND_CRXXSER/_20201026_700B/_700B_2ndData_project/scenes/wsStyling/Rr/okuyama/scenes/700B_ZT003_ZX_GUS_LA20_VRay_01.mb”
vrayInfo/frame (string): “00000”
vrayInfo/h (string): “699”
vrayInfo/mhz (string): “0MHz”
vrayInfo/os (string): “Microsoft(tm) Windows(tm), version 10.0, ”
vrayInfo/peakMemory (string): “14449.52 MiB”
vrayInfo/primitives (string): “12809746”
vrayInfo/ram (string): “96976MB”
vrayInfo/renderlayer (string): “defaultRenderLayer”
vrayInfo/rendertime (string): ” 0h 0m 34.5s”
vrayInfo/scenename (string): “700B_ZT003_ZX_GUS_LA20_VRay_01”
vrayInfo/time (string): “19:53:03”
vrayInfo/vmem (string): “134217728MB”
vrayInfo/vraycore (string): “4.30.03”
vrayInfo/vrayversion (string): “Version of V-Ray for Maya Next”
vrayInfo/w (string): “1165”

A (float)
B (float)
G (float)
R (float)

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